It was a beautiful day, sunny and high of 79 degrees. Not too many people, only 2 cars at the trail-head. I hiked down to the river and there were two sets of people camping at the river. One group was kayaking and were going to be there the rest of the week. They said that this is their 20th year of camping on the Colorado River. I went over to the beach area and there was nobody camping in this wash. A boat pulled in while I was there and it was a couple with their young son. I followed them up to the hot springs. His name was Ron and forgot the other two names. We stayed a while and chatted, then a couple from Kingman, AZ joined us and then a couple from Sodona, AZ joined us. Another couple from Jackson Hole, WY joined us, Dave was his name. There was also a couple from Colorado there. Later a couple and their daughter joined us, they were John, Lynn and Hope and they lived in the local area. I hiked back with them part of the way and later met up with the Colorado couple.
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